Did You Know ?
- You can test for HIV in the comfort of your home?
- Now you can Test and Start treatment if tested HIV+ ?
- What is meant by HIV+...?
- Why should you take ARVs....?
- Gender Based Violence
Eswatini Ministry of Health (MOH) coordinates about 80% of Eswatini response to HIV and AIDS. Ministry of Health established the Eswatini National AIDS Programme (SNAP) in 1987 to coordinate HIV Programmes in the country, to ensure that the response is efficiently and effectively managed at national, regional and facility level. The national program delivers the services through its several thematic areas which are HIV Prevention, HIV Care and treatment, Research and Cross Cutting Interventions.
An HIV free generation and AIDS free population
Improving the health of the people of Swaziland through an effectively coordinated health sector response to HIV
- Eswatini Integrated HIV Guidelines 2022
- SHIMS3 2021
- HIV HCW Job Aids November 2023
- Cryptococcal Meningitis in Eswatini
- HIV Linkages Case Management SOP
- Eswatini Stigma Index Report 2019
- National Strategic Plan for Ending AIDS and Syphilis in Children (2018 – 2022)
- Eswatini National STI Guidelines
- Eswatini Intergrated HIV Management Job AID
The Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini is pleased to present the third Eswatini Population-based HIV Impact Assessment SHIMS3 2021 report. Following SHIMS 1, conducted in 2011 and SHIMS 2, in 2016-2017, SHIMS3 provides a measure of the impact of the national HIV response and headway toward HIV epidemic control. It further provides critical information for policy direction and strategic planning to motivate innovative approaches within the global landscape of new HIV delivery models and prevention methods. SHIMS3 reflects impressive progress towards eliminating HIV/AIDS as a public health threat in Eswatini.
SHIMS3 results show a continued reduction in new HIV infections with annual incidence among adults down from 1.13% in SHIMS 2 to 0.62%, as well as a decrease in HIV prevalence from 27.0% in SHIMS2 to 24.8%. The proportion of people living with HIV with suppressed viral load increased to 88.6%. SHIMS3 results also show sustained progress towards the ambitious UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets set for 2025, with Eswatini at 94-97-96. Eswatini demonstrated remarkable HIV program achievements despite social and economic disruptions and challenges associated with COVID-19.
According to The Swaziland HIV Investment Case 2015, Swaziland has made significant progress in reducing HIV incidence and AIDS-related mortality by more than 25% and 35% respectively in the last 10 years. Some 101, 730 (87%) of the 117, 044 eligible people- also translated as 49% of all people living with HIV- are now accessing treatment, with Government financing virtually all ARVs stocks. Transmission of HIV from mother to child at 6 – 8 weeks has been reduced to 2% as over 80% of pregnant women access prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) services. HIV prevalence among young people has been substantially reduced by 54% and 20% among young men and women aged 20-24 respectively.