HIV/AIDS, and Tuberculosis dual epidemic is one of the major health challenges faced by Swaziland. With a TB/HIV infection rate and an incidence of TB among People Living with HIV of 73% and 464 per 100 000 people annually, Swaziland is listed among the 41 high TB/HIV burden countries.
The country has made tremendous effort to reduce the burden of TB among PLHIV through the implementation of TB infection prevention and control measures, TB screening at all patient contact points, increasing access to TB diagnostic services including transportation of sputum samples through the national sample transportation network system, treatment of latent TB amongst PLHIV and early provision of anti-TB treatment among those diagnosed with TB. The country is also making efforts to decrease the burden of HIV among patients diagnosed with TB through implementing provider initiated HIV testing and counseling services, HIV infection preventive services and providing cotrimoxazole prophylaxis and ART to those diagnosed HIV positive.
The National TB/HIV Coordinating Committee serves as a platform for joint planning between SNAP, National Tuberculosis Control Program and collaborating Partners to guides the implementation of integrated TB/HIV collaborative activities
- Intensify the mechanisms for delivering integrated TB and HIV services, including pregnant women, miners, children, and key pops.
- Intensify the provision of the 3Is(Intensified case finding(ICF), Infection control(IC) and Isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) for HIV/TB
- Strengthening HIV Testing Services(HTS) and linkage to appropriate care and prevention programs
- Strengthen the involvement of community structures to increase demand for TB and HIV services
- Integrate the management of Non communicable diseases (NCDs) within facilities providing TB/HIV services
- Strengthen the management and care of TB/HIV in children
- Conduct Operational Research on TB/HIV services to improve service delivery and patient outcomes
1. Implementation of 36 months Isoniazid Preventive Therapy for patients living with HIV/AIDS in two clinics of Shiselweni region, Kingdom of Swaziland.
2. Evaluation of TB –HIV Collaborative Activities in Swaziland
3. Isoniazid Preventive therapy delivery models in Swaziland
4. Evaluating the incremental value of using the Urine TB Lipoarabinomannan ( LAM) test in Intensified Case Finding for TB in People Living with HIV in Swaziland