Prevention is one of the strategy that the program uses to prevent new HIV infections, which in turn reduce HIV incidence. As stated in the eNSF, all preventions efforts results on concurrent use of complimentary behavioral, social, biomedical and structural prevention strategies at the individual, couple, community and social levels. With HIV incidence estimated at 2.3% in 2011, the country aims to reduce HIV incident rate to 1.4% in 2015 and maintain it at 1.4% in 2
HIV prevention strategies differ, and the country has been able to implement and measure some of these interventions, for instance, the MICS of 2010 reports that 19% that 19% of males within the age-group of (15 – 59) years are circumcised. For the purpose of this report the section on prevention areas covered are HTC, PMTCT, and VMMC
The HIV prevention program also implements interventions on the condom distribution and behaviour change; however these will not be reported in this report.
You can download the fact about HIV prevention: HIV PREVENTION
Priority Strategies
Strengthen condom forecasting, procurement and supply management system Intensify access, demand creation and distribution of condoms using multiple approaches including integration in other health care services. Intensify and expand condom distribution coverage for specific targeted groups at high risk, including young people, men who have sex with men, sex workers and discordant couples Strengthen SBC interventions in condom programming, Strengthen M&E and Research for condoms